Salàrio Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken

Diretora executivo - Heineken - Holanda
Data de nascimento: 1954, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Anual: 3 643 967 551,00 €
  • Mensal: 303 663 962,58 €
  • Semanal: 70 076 299,06 €
  • Diariamente: 14 015 259,81 €
Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken

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Este resumo é fornecido pela Wikipedia:

Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken é uma empresária holandesa. Herdeira de 25% do conglomerado Heineken quando seu pai faleceu, Freddy Heineken, é uma das integrantes do conselho acionista do grupo.

Página da Wikipedia sobre Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2023 from the 2024 net worth.
Net Worth 2024: $14.1 B (no rise compared to last year).

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2021 from the 2022 net worth (no fictional income in 2021)
Net Worth Apr 2022: $ 15.2 B (Forbes)
Net Worth Apr. 2021: $16.7B (Forbes)

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2020 from the 2021 net worth.
Net Worth Apr. 2020: $12.8B (Forbes)
Net Worth Apr. 2021: $16.7B (Forbes)

Wikipedia: she is the richest person in the Netherlands, with a net worth of $16.3 billion as of October 2019, according to the Forbes billionaires list.


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Update: 2024-4
